Thursday 14 February 2013

Evaluating my first initial idea

I will use a checklist I created when evaluating my research to answer the question; Does the film fulfil the requirements of the implied audience?

Characters the audience can relate to- 
Yes it's set in a family and I would cast two girls between the ages of our primary target audience.
Include horses- 
Yes, the film would be based around the two gypsy girls and their 'gypsy vanner' horses.
Portray a horse as a companion-
 Yes, again the film portrays a bond between the two young girls and their horses.
Provoke emotion-
 Documenting on a relationship and the challenges faced within that will evidently provoke emotion from an audience.
Feature a dog-
 Gypsies traditionally would own a dog, this means I would feature one in my film/opening title sequence.
Present a challenge- 
Many films/documentaries following the lives of gypsies present their lives as challenging. This film would be no different- meaning the family/protagonists would face challenges.
Have a realistic storyline-
 There is no fantasy aspect to this initial idea for a possible film, meaning it is realistic.
Use music-
 It would be important for me to use music to set the tone and mood of the opening title sequence.
Show realistic horse behaviour- 
The storyline is not fantasy and the horses would show typical horse behaviours.

Are there any identifiable problems with this initial idea?

  • The Mise en scene for the film would be extensive and difficult to come across
  • Finding horses capable of pulling a cart and finding a cart like the one pictured may prove challenging
  • With my film being independent I do not have access to a large production budget. This means that challenges I could face include hiring and purchasing highly specific props, finding actors  and  finding such horses. Blockbuster films would be able to produce all such things themselves.

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