Thursday 21 March 2013

Final changes to title presentation...

I created this small storyboard on Pixton to show how the film's title will be presented... Teenage Nancy trots past the camera (close up) and after she has passed the camera pans and then zooms into the poster we created. At the moment the poster looks like this... 

It has a 'good' and a 'bad' side to represent the two different world's that Nancy and Fred come from. At the moment it is in black and white (as to look old). The edges of the poster could be tea-stained and will be pinned up on the tree with drawing pins.

Where will the shot appear?
It will appear just after she walks off on Tye. Before she canters. This means that the title is near the beginning of the film, this is similar to other independent films opening title sequence's that I have researched.

1 comment:

  1. You clearly highlight the bits of your titles section you like most and those bits that you are still not happy with. Great.
