Thursday 7 February 2013

What I have learnt from talking directly to my audience

I asked my audience a question through an online survey I created.
The question was "What's your favourite horse film and why?"

These responses helped me understand what my audience like from a horse film.
I should consider their opinions when creating a storyline, them being my target audience.

From this I have learnt that my target audience like...

- A strong bond between horse and owner.
- To Capture emotion.
- A film that makes you feel emotion.
- Show realistic horse behaviour.

One of the responses I found particularly interesting is...

"Dreamer because of the relationship between the horse and girl. It is what any horse lover would dream of."

This is significant as it supports my findings that girls are the primary target audience for our film.

I am now most likely to consider the creation of a film where there is a bond between a girl and her horse. I have come to this conclusion because...

- My audience like to see a bond between a horse and human.

- They like an emotion-provoking film.
- The response that said "any horse lover would dream" of a film where there is a relationship between a girl and a horse. 

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